Mini Copy Book

Each post in this section is a short précis (summary) of a passage in The Copy Book. All of them are in modern English. They are intended for students of English as a Foreign Language at Elementary Level.

Bible and Saints

The Lord Is My Shepherd

King David expresses his trust in God in terms remembered from his years as a shepherd boy.

Length: 60 words

William Shakespeare

The Quality of Mercy

Shylock is savouring revenge on Antonio for years of disgusting mistreatment, but the judge warns him to temper his demands.

Length: 60 words

Classical History

Nero’s Torches

Sensing that the Great Fire of Rome in 64 (though entertaining) was damaging his public image, the Emperor Nero looked around for someone to blame.

Length: 115 words

Lives of the Saints

Why Rome Persecuted the Christians

If only the primitive Christians had filled in the right forms and said that one man’s god is as good as another’s, they wouldn’t have had to die.

Length: 60 words

Lives of the Saints

St John Port Latin

According to an ancient tradition, the Roman authorities banished St John the Divine to the island of Patmos because they were quite unable to kill him.

Length: 60 words

The Hundred Years’ War

St John of Beverley at Agincourt

Following the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, King Henry V instructed the Church of York to recognise the contribution of one of her eighth-century bishops.

Length: 117 words