Mini Copy Book

Each post in this section is a short précis (summary) of a passage in The Copy Book. All of them are in modern English. They are intended for students of English as a Foreign Language at Elementary Level.

Stories in Short

The Wife of Bath’s Tale

An Arthurian knight commits a dreadful crime against a woman, and is sent by Queen Guinevere on a fitting errand.

Length: 118 words

Greek Myths

The Six Labours of Theseus

Young Theseus sets out for Athens on foot to claim his kingdom, but the road is infested with giants, bandits and a savage sow.

Length: 347 words

Extracts from Literature

Wellington’s Cook

The hero of Waterloo needed all his men to believe in him that day, but none believed in him more than his cook.

Length: 56 words

Lives of the Saints

The Life-Giving Spring

An obscure officer in the Roman Army gains a dizzying promotion after performing a simple act of kindness.

Length: 115 words

Extracts from Literature

Serjeant Munday

William Howitt had some advice for Victorian tourists hoping for an authentic experience at the battlefield of Waterloo.

Length: 55 words

Cat Stories

Early Warning

An Italian businessman and his family in 18th century Messina owed their lives to their pet cats.

Length: 57 words