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Classical History 46 posts Page 1 of 8

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Classical History

The Surrender of Vercingetorix

As Rome’s grip on Gaul tightened, one man still dared to defy them.

Length: 115 words

Liberty and Prosperity

The Boldness of Junius Mauricus

Pliny admired Julius Mauricus because he spoke his mind, and Emperor Nerva because he let him.

Length: 119 words

Classical History

A Ransom of Iron

When Brennus the Gaul broke through the gates of Rome, Marcus Furius Camillus was far away in exile.

Length: 117 words

Classical History

An Execrable Crime

Marcus Furius Camillus knew he must make the Falisci submit to Rome, but the method one man proposed was more than he could stomach.

Length: 119 words

Classical History

The Tragedy of Coriolanus

Roman statesman Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus was thrust out the City for his hardline politics, but he did not stay away for long.

Length: 114 words

Classical History

Treat Me Like a King!

When Porus, the Indian king, surrendered to Alexander the Great at Jhelum, he had only one request to make of him.

Length: 117 words