Mini Copy Book

Each post in this section is a short précis (summary) of a passage in The Copy Book. All of them are in modern English. They are intended for students of English as a Foreign Language at Elementary Level.

Bible Stories Retold

Daniel in the Lions’ Den

The King who condemned him to the den of lions felt far worse about it than Daniel did.

Length: 55 words

Bible Stories Retold

Belshazzar’s Feast

Prince Belshazzar’s disrespectful behaviour left him facing the original ‘writing on the wall’.

Length: 45 words

Lives of the Saints

Cyril and Hypatia

A ‘Christian’ mob kidnapped and murdered a much-loved professor of mathematics - for her politics.

Length: 52 words

Lives of the Saints

St Andrew, Patron of Scotland

Scotland’s association with the brother of Peter is down to an early 8th century Bishop of Hexham.

Length: 43 words

Lives of the Saints

How Benedict Biscop brought Byzantium to Britain

The chapel of Bede’s monastery in Sunderland was full of the colours and sounds of the far-off Mediterranean world.

Length: 51 words

Lives of the Saints

The Martyrdom of St James the Great

James, brother of John the Evangelist, was executed for his faith by a close friend of the Emperor Caligula.

Length: 55 words