Mini Copy Book

Each post in this section is a short précis (summary) of a passage in The Copy Book. All of them are in modern English. They are intended for students of English as a Foreign Language at Elementary Level.

Indian Myths

The Cat, the Mouse and the Banyan Tree

A mouse’s delight at seeing his old enemy caught in a trap proves short-lived.

Length: 60 words

Discovery and Invention

The Character of Captain James Cook

Captain Cook’s friend and ship’s surgeon David Samwell gives us his impressions of the great explorer.

Length: 108 words

Lives of the Saints

The Baptism of Kent

With Christianity faltering in the British Isles, Pope Gregory took the first definite steps towards restoring its vigour.

Length: 104 words

Scandinavian History

The Day London Bridge Fell Down

In 1014, Norwegian prince Olaf Haraldsson sailed to the aid of King Ethelred the Unready in his struggle with the Danes.

Length: 111 words

Scandinavian History

The Conversion of Rogaland

Zealous convert Olaf Tryggvason went from England to Norway to spread the Gospel, but it seemed the Lord did not like Olaf’s way of doing it.

Length: 118 words

Sir Stamford Raffles

Mr and Mrs Raffles

Abdullah Abdul Kadir gives us his first-hand impressions of the Founder of Singapore and of his first wife, Olivia.

Length: 111 words