Mini Copy Book

Each post in this section is a short précis (summary) of a passage in The Copy Book. All of them are in modern English. They are intended for students of English as a Foreign Language at Elementary Level.

Stuart Era

The War of the Spanish Succession

After Louis XIV’s grandson Philip inherited the throne of Spain, the ‘Sun King’ began to entertain dreams of Europe-wide dominion.

Length: 112 words

Anglo-Saxon Era

The Arts of Fair Rowena

Charles Dickens believed that Britain’s Saxon invaders gained power by force of arms – but not by weapons.

Length: 111 words

Lives of the Saints

The Voice of an Angel

A tenth-century Greek monk is joined by a total stranger for Mattins.

Length: 109 words

William Shakespeare

Viola Draws a Blank

Viola tries to tell Orsino, Duke of Illyria, that his beloved Olivia is not the only woman deserving of his attention.

Length: 54 words

Music and Musicians

Ode to (English) Joy

Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was commissioned by a fiercely independent Britain, and Beethoven was excited to oblige.

Length: 54 words

Extracts from Literature

A World of Differences

Emma tries to reconcile her father to the unaccountable tastes of his nearest and dearest.

Length: 52 words