Mini Copy Book
Cat Stories 24 posts Page 1 of 4

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Cat Stories

When the Cat’s Away...

A Victorian artist and avid bird-watcher banished cats from his country cottage, but soon wished he hadn’t.

Length: 176 words

Animal Stories

Oh Hame Fain Wad I Be!

A cat moved home from Edinburgh to Glasgow and seemed to settle in nicely, but it turned out she was only biding her time.

Length: 114 words

Cat Stories

Dick Whittington and his Cat

After Mr Fitzwarren took away Dick’s cat, even the charms of Alice Fitzwarren were not enough to keep him in that house another day.

Length: 117 words

Poets and Poetry

A Kitten’s Jest

In ‘Familiarity Dangerous,’ poet William Cowper tells a little tale warning that if you join in the game you play by the rules.

Length: 59 words

Indian Myths

The Cat, the Mouse and the Banyan Tree

A mouse’s delight at seeing his old enemy caught in a trap proves short-lived.

Length: 60 words

Samuel Johnson

Keeping In With Hodge

Dr Johnson’s cat left James Boswell cold, but the great man himself would do anything to avoid hurting the little fellow’s feelings.

Length: 60 words