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Indian Myths

The Heron and the Crab

An ageing Heron finds himself a little too stiff to fish for himself, so he thinks of a way to get the fish to do it for him.

Length: 119 words

Indian Myths

The Raven and the Snake

A harassed mother Raven vows bloody revenge on a venomous Snake, but the wily old Jackal has a better idea.

Length: 117 words

Indian Myths

The Goat and the Lion

A herd of goats is threatened by a pride of lions, and it falls to one brave billy to face the danger alone.

Length: 113 words

Indian Myths

The Glow Worm and the Jackdaw

In this fable from India, a sly little insect teaches a jackdaw that all that glisters is not necessarily edible.

Length: 58 words

Indian Myths

The King of the Banyan Deer

The lord of Benares is so partial to venison that fields lie fallow and marketplaces stand empty while his people catch deer for him.

Length: 118 words

Indian Myths

The King, the Monkey and the Pea

A warlike king sets out to bag another small kingdom for his realms, but a monkey gets him thinking.

Length: 60 words