Lindisfarne Castle, Northumberland.

© Adam Ward, Geograph. CC BY-SA 2.0. Source
Clay Lane


About NL Clay, and how to get the most out of this website.

From Straightforward English

If ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ are to be more than catchwords, clear communication must be the rule, and not the exception. Do we want a society in which placid masses take their orders from bosses? The alternative to government by force is government by persuasion. The latter must mean that the governed can talk back to the governors.


About NL Clay

A Yorkshire schoolmaster who helped ordinary people develop a firm command of ‘straightforward English’.

About Clay Lane

Passages and exercises for people working on their command of English, inspired by the works of NL Clay.

About The Copy Book

Short passages from history, myth, poetry and fiction.

About Think and Speak

Exercises in oral and written composition based on textbooks used in English schools from the 1920s to the 1960s.

About Comfortable Words

The text of the Authorised ‘King James’ Version of the Bible, with additional hymns, prayers and translations of the Psalms.


A selection of quotations to give you an insight into what this website is all about.

Email Support

Get in touch with the editor of this website.

About Our Calendars

An explanation of the Old Style (OS) and New Style (NS) calendars used on this website.

About Richard Cobden

A quick look at Richard Cobden, who may help to explain what Clay Lane stands for.

About St George

St George, a fourth century Roman martyr, is the patron saint of England — and of Clay Lane.