

Make as many words as you can from just nine letters. Can you beat our score?

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© PaulT (Gunther Tschuch), Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0. Source

The banks of the River Doon in Ayrshire.


The banks of the River Doon in Ayrshire. Robert Burns’s song from 1791, recalling the unhappy case of Margaret ‘Peggy’ Kennedy (1766-95), abandoned by Andrew McDouall and left with his child, begins by invoking this verdant countryside.

Ye banks and braes o’ bonie Doon,
How can ye bloom sae fresh and fair;
How can ye chant, ye little birds,
And I sae weary, fu’ o’ care!

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The banks of the River Doon in Ayrshire.

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© PaulT (Gunther Tschuch), Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0.

The banks of the River Doon in Ayrshire. Robert Burns’s song from 1791, recalling the unhappy case of Margaret ‘Peggy’ Kennedy (1766-95), abandoned by Andrew McDouall and left with his child, begins by invoking this verdant countryside.

Ye banks and braes o’ bonie Doon,
How can ye bloom sae fresh and fair;
How can ye chant, ye little birds,
And I sae weary, fu’ o’ care!


A Polyword is a game with words and letters. Make words of four letters or more from the letters of a nine-letter word, using each letter only once. Include the highlighted letter in every word you make. Can you beat our score?

Tap on any letter to use it for your word. Remember to include the highlighted letter. To change the highlighted letter and get different words, click here.

See All Words

acer acne acre back backer bake baker bane bank banker bare bark barn beak beaker bean bear beck been beer berk brace bracken brae brake bran break breakneck caber cake cane canker care careen crab crane crank creak cree creek earn keen kerb knack knacker knee nacre narc nark near neck race rack rake ranee rank reek
bracken backer banker beaker crank creak break creek brake brace knack crane baker kerb keen near earn neck race rack rake rank knee crab bean acre back bake bane bank bare bark barn beak bear care beck been beer bran acne cake cane reek
acer acne acre back backer bake baker bane bank banker bare bark barn beak beaker bean bear beck been beer berk brace bracken brae brake bran break breakneck caber cake cane canker care careen crab crane crank creak cree creek earn keen kerb knack knacker knee nacre narc nark near neck race rack rake ranee rank reek


See All Polywords (259)

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Spinners Find in Think and Speak

For each group of words, compose a sentence that uses all three. You can use any form of the word: for example, cat → cats, go → went, or quick → quickly, though neigh → neighbour is stretching it a bit.

This exercise uses words found in the accompanying puzzle.

1 Bran. Keen. Rank.

2 Cake. Creak. Earn.

3 Bane. Beaker. Bear.

Variations: 1. include direct and indirect speech 2. include one or more of these words: although, because, despite, either/or, if, unless, until, when, whether, which, who 3. use negatives (not, isn’t, neither/nor, never, nobody etc.)


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