© Peter Trimming, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

A beehive in Alton, Hampshire.

About this picture …

A beehive in Alton, Hampshire. The photographer notes that the lavender oil yield has increased because of the bees, and that the bees flourish and yield honey because of the lavender, so everyone’s a winner.

Honeycomb Game

The Honeycomb Game is a word-building game: make words by clicking on cells in the honeycomb below. Choose a letter to begin with, then another next to it. Keep doing this until you have made a continuous chain of touching cells, forming a word of three letters or more.

Every letter carries a certain number of points (much as in Scrabble) and the darker-shaded cells bring a bonus. When you are satisfied with your word and your score, add it to your ‘Honey Jar’ by clicking the Add button.

See if you can make 10 words at an average of 40 points or more. Alternatively, try to score 100 points in under 2 minutes. Simply click the Timer to start the clock.

The word doubt is already showing in the grid. Modify it, or click the Clear Game button to remove it.

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Picture Credits

Thanks to the following designers for their artwork:

Nook Fulloption, for the honey jar;
Arístides Silva for the little bee.

All images © CC BY-SA 3.0 (US).