

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© Chris Downer, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament, midnight December 31st 2011 / January 1st 2012.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

erupt euro nope note onto open opportune outer outre pent pert poet pone poop poor pope pore porn porno port pour pout prep prone pronto prop proton prune punt punter pure rent root rope rote rout route rune runt tenor tern tone toner topper tore torn tour troop trope troupe true tune tuner turn unto upon upper uproot
opportune uproot troupe outer prone upper tuner troop tenor route prune erupt port poet note tore torn tour true tune pert turn unto upon pent tone runt poor pout open onto punt pure pour rent pore rope rote rout pope rune root
erupt euro nope note onto open opportune outer outre pent pert poet pone poop poor pope pore porn porno port pour pout prep prone pronto prop proton prune punt punter pure rent root rope rote rout route rune runt tenor tern tone toner topper tore torn tour troop trope troupe true tune tuner turn unto upon upper uproot


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Featured Music

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Aria ‘Casta Diva’

Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835)

Performed by Renée Fleming.

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I’ve used this music with:

Fan Frenzy

Danse Macabre

Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921)

Performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Charles Dutoit.

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I’ve used this music with:

Mr Ivery Gets Away

‘Just So in the North’ (1767)

Ignatius Sancho (1729-1780)

Performed by Adé Williams and Clayton Penrose-Whitmore.

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I’ve used this music with:

Study the Heart Joseph Boruwlaski