Tag questions are those little questions such as aren’t I? or wouldn’t you? that we attach to the end of a statement in the hope of confirmation. See if you can dream up tags for these sentences.
These examples are taken from English literature, and in some cases more than one answer is possible, which is part of the game.
The sentences are listed shortest first.
1. “Sit down, won’t you?”
2. “Not got away again, has he?”
3. “You'd think so, wouldn’t you?”
4. “Dogs don’t drink beer, do they?”
5. “Life is full of trials, isn’t it?”
6. “She’s not been kidnapped, has she?”
See if you can make up your own sentences for these tag questions.
Iaren’t I? IImight we? IIIcan’t I? IVdo they? Vis it? VIwould it? VIIdoesn’t he? VIIIare you?
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