

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© Nigel Davies, Geograph. Licence: CC-BY-SA 2.0. Source

About this picture …

A hairpin bend on the A4069 near Capel Gwynfe, Carmarthenshire, north of Swansea. It is known as ‘Cuckoo Bend’. Photographer Nigel Davies identifies it as a favourite stretch of road for TV car shows such as Fifth Gear.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

cent cert clone clot clout clue colt cone cope copter core corn cornet corpulent cote count counter coup coupe couple couplet court crept crone crop croup cruel cruet cult cure curl curt cute cuter ecru enrol erupt euro lent lento letup lone loner lope lore lour lout lucre lure lute nope note once open opulent ounce outer outre pelt pent pert petrol plot poet pole ponce pone pore porn port pounce pour pout prole prone prune puce punt punter pure purl recon recount recoup recto rent role rope rote rout route rule rune runt tenor tern tone toner tore torn tour trope trounce troupe truce true tune tuner turn ulcer uncle unto upon
counter pounce couple petrol tenor erupt route enrol ounce prune clone uncle ulcer truce count court crept cruel pure tone rent tore turn tune true tour torn role rule rout rope pour crop cute curt curl cure cult coup lone corn core cope cone colt clue clot lent port pelt pore pole poet plot pert lore open once note lute lure upon
cent cert clone clot clout clue colt cone cope copter core corn cornet corpulent cote count counter coup coupe couple couplet court crept crone crop croup cruel cruet cult cure curl curt cute cuter ecru enrol erupt euro lent lento letup lone loner lope lore lour lout lucre lure lute nope note once open opulent ounce outer outre pelt pent pert petrol plot poet pole ponce pone pore porn port pounce pour pout prole prone prune puce punt punter pure purl recon recount recoup recto rent role rope rote rout route rule rune runt tenor tern tone toner tore torn tour trope trounce troupe truce true tune tuner turn ulcer uncle unto upon


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Featured Music

1 2 3

‘Fairest Isle’, from King Arthur

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)

Performed by Gill Ross, with the English Baroque Soloists under John Eliot Gardiner

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Façade Suite No. 2 (1938)

Popular Song

Sir William Walton (1902-1983)

Performed by the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra conducted by Louis Frémaux.

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I’ve used this music with:

Dare to Be Yourself Moonshine

Overture on Three Russian Themes (1858)

Mily Balakirev (1837-1910)

Performed by the State Academic Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Evgeny Svetlanov.

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I’ve used this music with:

The Theotokos of Vladimir