

Make as many words as you can from just nine letters. Can you beat our score?

By Trevor Littlewood, Geograph. Licence: Public domain.

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By Trevor Littlewood, Geograph. Licence: Public domain. Source

A lone sheep stands out against a bar of mist shrouding Bedburn Beck, near Wolsingham in County Durham.

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A Polyword is a game with words and letters. Make words of four letters or more from the letters of a nine-letter word, using each letter only once. Include the highlighted letter in every word you make. Can you beat our score?

Tap on any letter to use it for your word. Remember to include the highlighted letter. To change the highlighted letter and get different words, click here.

See All Words

airer alert alit alive alter arrive atelier aver avert earl earlier eater elite ever evil irate lair late later lave laver leat leave leaver leer lever liar lira lire lite litre live liver rail rare rate rave ravel raver real rear reel relate relative relive retail retailer retire retrial retrieval reveal revel revert revile rile rite rival river rivet tail tale tare teal tear tier tile tiler tire trail trailer travel traveler tree trial trier vale valet veal veer veil velar vial vile viler viral vital
relative earlier trailer retire arrive relate travel reveal retail rival river elite alter alive trail vital valet avert trial alert lever leave later tree tire veil veer liar live vale tear ever rave rate evil real late rear lair earl reel tier tale tail rare rail tile
airer alert alit alive alter arrive atelier aver avert earl earlier eater elite ever evil irate lair late later lave laver leat leave leaver leer lever liar lira lire lite litre live liver rail rare rate rave ravel raver real rear reel relate relative relive retail retailer retire retrial retrieval reveal revel revert revile rile rite rival river rivet tail tale tare teal tear tier tile tiler tire trail trailer travel traveler tree trial trier vale valet veal veer veil velar vial vile viler viral vital


See All Polywords (247)

Find Veil in the Archive


Opposites Find in Think and Speak

Suggest words or phrases that seem opposite in meaning to each of the words below. We have suggested some possible answers; see if you can find any others.

This exercise uses words found in the accompanying puzzle.

1. Alert. 2. Alter. 3. Earlier. 4. Late. 5. Later. 6. Retail. 7. Reveal. 8. Tail. 9. Tear.

Show Useful Words (A-Z order)

Variations: 1.instead of opposites, suggest words of similar meaning (synonyms). 2.use a word and its opposite in the same sentence. 3.suggest any 5 opposites formed by adding in-.


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