Many posts in The Copy Book are tied to a particular year in history, such as 55 BC or 1776. Below is a list of those years for which we have posts.
In some cases, especially early on, these dates are at best approximate. A good many of them are traditional, others are simply guesses. When the post is by an ‘authentic writer’ (i.e. not by the Editor) the date may be the date of the events described, or it may be the date of publication.
Of course, many kinds of post (such as myths and legends) cannot be dated, and are not included here.
Abraham invites his son Isaac to accompany him to a nearby mountain to offer sacrifice, and the boy is naturally curious to know what gift his father proposes to offer.
Picture: © Țetcu Mircea Rareș, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic.. Source.
Posted November 15 2020
After spending years besieging the city of Troy, the Greek armies suddenly decamp, leaving behind only an enormous wooden sculpture of a horse.
Picture: © Paul, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0.. Source.
Posted April 16 2021