

Make as many words as you can from just nine letters. Can you beat our score?

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© Roger Geach, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

A horse and cart at the Blists Hill Victorian town near Coalport in Shropshire. Coalport was founded in the late 18th century (i.e. the Georgian era) by William Reynolds, a partner in the ironworks in Coalbrookdale. The museum, which covers some 52 acres and includes shops (working in pounds, shillings and pence!), an iron works, and a fish-and-chip shop, recreates life from around a century later.

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© Roger Geach, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0.

A horse and cart at the Blists Hill Victorian town near Coalport in Shropshire. Coalport was founded in the late 18th century (i.e. the Georgian era) by William Reynolds, a partner in the ironworks in Coalbrookdale. The museum, which covers some 52 acres and includes shops (working in pounds, shillings and pence!), an iron works, and a fish-and-chip shop, recreates life from around a century later.


A Polyword is a game with words and letters. Make words of four letters or more from the letters of a nine-letter word, using each letter only once. Include the highlighted letter in every word you make. Can you beat our score?

Tap on any letter to use it for your word. Remember to include the highlighted letter. To change the highlighted letter and get different words, click here.

See All Words

aced acer acre acted actor adore arced cadet cadre card care cared carer caret carrot cart carted carter cater cedar cert coat coated coda code coder coed cooed coot cord core cored corer corrode cote crate crated crater creator cred credo dace dare dart date dear decor decorator doctor doer door dote drat drear orate orated orator order race raced racer rare rate rated react reactor read rear record recto rector redo retard retro road roar roared rode rodeo rood root rooted rota rote rotor taco tare taro tarred tear toad toed tore toreador trace traced tracer trad trade trader tread trod
corrode creator reactor rector crater orator doctor record carrot decor cadet cater actor order adore trade tread trace cedar react crate road trod toad tore tear rode root rota roar door code core cord coat acre card care cart race rare read rate dart dare date dear rear
aced acer acre acted actor adore arced cadet cadre card care cared carer caret carrot cart carted carter cater cedar cert coat coated coda code coder coed cooed coot cord core cored corer corrode cote crate crated crater creator cred credo dace dare dart date dear decor decorator doctor doer door dote drat drear orate orated orator order race raced racer rare rate rated react reactor read rear record recto rector redo retard retro road roar roared rode rodeo rood root rooted rota rote rotor taco tare taro tarred tear toad toed tore toreador trace traced tracer trad trade trader tread trod


See All Polywords (259)

Find Cart in the Archive


Opposites Find in Think and Speak

Suggest words or phrases that seem opposite in meaning to each of the words below. We have suggested some possible answers; see if you can find any others.

This exercise uses words found in the accompanying puzzle.

1. Care. 2. Crater. 3. Creator. 4. Doctor. 5. Tear.

Show Useful Words (A-Z order)

Variations: 1.instead of opposites, suggest words of similar meaning (synonyms). 2.use a word and its opposite in the same sentence. 3.suggest any 5 opposites formed by adding -less.


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