

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© Graham Horn, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

About this picture …

‘Wilder’s Folly’ looks down over Nunhide Farm near Theale in Berkshire. It was built in 1769 as a belvedere (a place from which to view picturesque landscape), but subsequently converted into a dovecote. It was a gift from the Revd Henry Wilder to Joan, younger sister of John Thoyts of Sulhamstead House, and was visible from her house and also from Henry’s.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

airy alit aloft alto amity army arty atom fail fair fairly fairy family farl farm fart fiat film filmy filo firm firmly flair flat flay flirt flirty flit float flora foal foam foamy foil foray form formal formality format fort forty frail frailty frat fray from iota lair laity liar lift lima limo limy lira loaf loam loamy loft lofty mail malt marl mart mayo mayor moat molar moral morality mort mortal mortify motif oily omit oral raft rail ratify ratio rift riot roam roil rota royal tail tailor taro toil trail tram tray trial trim trio tyro
frailty mortal tailor family formal ratify format ratio float motif flirt flair trail trial frail mayor fairy moral royal forty moat oily omit airy oral raft rail rift riot roam rota tail toil tram tray trim malt lair mail farm flat firm film flit fair fail atom army loft liar loaf lift foam from fray fort form foil
airy alit aloft alto amity army arty atom fail fair fairly fairy family farl farm fart fiat film filmy filo firm firmly flair flat flay flirt flirty flit float flora foal foam foamy foil foray form formal formality format fort forty frail frailty frat fray from iota lair laity liar lift lima limo limy lira loaf loam loamy loft lofty mail malt marl mart mayo mayor moat molar moral morality mort mortal mortify motif oily omit oral raft rail ratify ratio rift riot roam roil rota royal tail tailor taro toil trail tram tray trial trim trio tyro


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