

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© Podman123, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC-BY-SA 3.0. Source

About this picture …

Sea-anglers at Blackhall Colliery in County Durham.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

abet able abler abort airer albeit alert alit aloe alter alto arbiter bail bait bale bare barer barrel barrio barter bear beat belt beta bier bile bite biter blare bleat bloat bloater blot boar boat boater boil boiler bole bolt bore brae brat briar brie brier broil broiler earl iota irate lair late later leat liar liberator lira lire lite litre lobe loiter lore obit oral orate orbit orbital rail rare rate ratio real realtor rear retail retrial retro rile riot rioter rite roar robe roil role rota rote table tail tailor tale taro teal tear tier tile tiler tire toil tore trail trailer trial tribal tribe trier trio
barrel retail tailor irate table ratio later bloat alert tribe alter trial trail orbit bleat tear rote rare rate tale real tail rear rota robe riot tore role toil rite roar tile tier tire rail beat boar blot bite belt bear boil bare bale bait bail alto boat oral lore liar able bolt late lair iota earl bore trio
abet able abler abort airer albeit alert alit aloe alter alto arbiter bail bait bale bare barer barrel barrio barter bear beat belt beta bier bile bite biter blare bleat bloat bloater blot boar boat boater boil boiler bole bolt bore brae brat briar brie brier broil broiler earl iota irate lair late later leat liar liberator lira lire lite litre lobe loiter lore obit oral orate orbit orbital rail rare rate ratio real realtor rear retail retrial retro rile riot rioter rite roar robe roil role rota rote table tail tailor tale taro teal tear tier tile tiler tire toil tore trail trailer trial tribal tribe trier trio


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Thomas Arne (1710-1778)

Performed by the RTÉ Concert Orchestra, conducted by Ernest Tomlinson.

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‘Fairest Isle’, from King Arthur

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)

Performed by Gill Ross, with the English Baroque Soloists under John Eliot Gardiner

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Ernest Tomlinson (1924-2015)

Performed by the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Murray Khouri.

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