

Compose sentences to prove that each of these words has at least two quite different meanings.

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Grouse in Nova Scotia, Canada.
© Martin Cathrae, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0.

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© Martin Cathrae, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

Grouse in Nova Scotia, Canada.


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Each of the words below has more than one possible meaning. Compose your own sentences to show what those different meanings are.

The words in this puzzle are taken randomly from a list of 206 common words.

1. Prune. 2. Frank. 3. Mould. 4. Fudge. 5. Second. 6. Brief. 7. Present. 8. Even. 9. Light.

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For each word above, choose one or more suitable meanings from this list.

1. One sixtieth of a minute. 2. Short in time. 3. A growth that forms on e.g. bread or cheese when it goes off. 4. Not odd. 5. In the extreme case. 6. Not heavy or serious. 7. A dried plum. 8. A sugary confection. 9. Make obscure, maybe deliberately. 10. Trim back a plant. 11. Support, give backing. 12. A hollow container used to give a desired shape to whatever is poured or forced into it. 13. The one behind or after the first. 14. Open and candid. 15. Flat and smooth. 16. Here, in attendance. 17. Cancel a stamp on a letter. 18. Set flame to. 19. Not dark. 20. The current time, between past and future. 21. Temporarily transfer a person from one role to another. 22. Instructions; give instructions.

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