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St George, ca. 1450, Church of St Peter and St Paul, Pickering. St George is the Patron Saint of Clay Lane. See About St George.

© Michael Garlick, Geograph. CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

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Clay Lane


New posts, old posts, and a few brainteasers

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Welcome to the Clay Lane blog

This page keeps you up-to-date with recent additions, alerts you to posts you may have missed, and invites you to tackle exercises similar to those NL Clay gave to pupils aged 12-13 in the 1930s.

Add Vowels Every DayThink and Speak

Make as many words as you can by adding vowels (AEIOU) to these consonants.

stls (5)

See Words

steals. steels. stiles. stoles. stools.

Spinners Every DayThink and Speak

Pick any group of three words, and see if you can still remember them in an hour, and still remember them tomorrow. For a further challenge, try using all of your three words together in a single sentence.

The words in this puzzle are taken randomly from a list of 927 common words. You can change e.g. cat → cats, go → went, quick → quickly.

1 Business. Chance. Either.

2 Course. Few. Party.

3 Drop. Themselves. Try.

Variations: 1. include direct and indirect speech 2. include one or more of these words: although, because, despite, either/or, if, unless, until, when, whether, which, who 3. use negatives (not, isn’t, neither/nor, never, nobody etc.)

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Posted Yesterday

Alexander Borodin: Petite Suite: VI. Rêverie

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Posted Yesterday

Make up sentences using these phrases, making sure you put plenty of action in.

For each of these phrases, compose a lively sentence that uses it. Your sentences should include at least one person, one object and one action.

IAt the foot of the cliff. IIUnder the pillow. IIIAcross the table. IVBehind the door. VBetween the pages. VIOn the platform.

Adapted from an exercise in School Certificate English (1933) by NL Clay.

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Posted January 13

Suggest words that rhyme with ‘love’.

Suggest at least FOUR words that rhyme with ‘love’.

Some possible words can be seen by clicking this button.

Suggested Words

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Posted January 13
The Abuse of Literacy

Reading and writing should have taught the people more than name-calling and how to manipulate opinion.

The spread of literacy, said William Hazlitt, should have taught us judgment and taste. Instead, it has taught us how to heap hurtful abuse on anyone who makes us feel challenged or humbled. Critics lavish praise on writers who sneer with them in all the right places, and then suddenly destroy them in the most public fashion — and the reading public laps it up.


Join each group of ideas together to make a single sentence, in as many ways as you can.

Public debate was low in quality. Hazlitt hoped more literacy would raise it. He was disappointed. [Fail. Talk. Write.]

He writes well. He writes about trivial matters. It is a waste. [Serious. Squander. Talent.]

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Posted January 12
Among Old Friends

‘Alpha of the Plough’ hoped Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did not treat his old friends as he treated his favourite books.

As a rule, people who write well are also well-read, but it should not be supposed that they keep up with everything new that hits the shelves or receives breathless praise in the press. Alfred Gardiner, columnist for the Star, was like many professional writers suspicious of new titles, and preferred the company of characters he had come to know well.


Join each group of ideas together to make a single sentence, in as many ways as you can.

New books are published daily. Time for reading them is short. Reading any book twice shortens that time. [Already. Enough. Waste.]

Critics admire this new book. I don’t know any of the characters. I will re-read one of my old books. [Familiar. Instead. Realise.]

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Posted January 12

Orlando Gibbons: Thus Angels Sung

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Thus angels sung, and thus sing we;
to God on high all glory be:
let Him on Earth His Peace bestowe,
and unto men His favour show.