

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© Abirami selvaraj, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC... Source

A toad in Sivathapuram, an area of the city of Salem in Tamil Nadu, India.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

adagio adroit alit altar alto aorta argot aria arid dago dart data dial dialog dirt dolt drag drat gait gala gaol gator gild gilt gird girl giro girt glad gladiator gloat goad goal goat gold grad grail grid grit groat idol iota laid lair laird lard largo lariat liar lido lira load lord oral radial radio raga raid rail ratio riot road roil rota tail tailor taro tiara tidal toad toga toil told trad trail triad trial trig trio trod
tailor groat radio gloat ratio tidal trail altar trial triad roil lord trio liar taro load toga oral road tail toil toad told raid rail riot rota idol lard gaol alto aria arid dart data dial dirt dolt drag drat gait gala gild lair goat laid iota grit grid gold goal gilt goad glad girt girl gird trod
adagio adroit alit altar alto aorta argot aria arid dago dart data dial dialog dirt dolt drag drat gait gala gaol gator gild gilt gird girl giro girt glad gladiator gloat goad goal goat gold grad grail grid grit groat idol iota laid lair laird lard largo lariat liar lido lira load lord oral radial radio raga raid rail ratio riot road roil rota tail tailor taro tiara tidal toad toga toil told trad trail triad trial trig trio trod


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