

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© Wim Koolhoven, Wikimedia Commons. CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

About this picture …

St George slaying the dragon, on a bell in Mtskheta, Georgia, some 12 miles northwest of Tbilisi. It is silent, standing in the grounds of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, which dates back to the early 11th century. The cathedral has another bell-tower, with bells that still speak. The name Svetitskhoveli translates as ‘the Life-giving Pillar’.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

adieu adieux admire admit admixture aide aimed aired amid arid armed atrium audit axed dame dare dart date datum dear demur diet dime dire dirt dram drat dream dreamt drum duet edit emir emit exam exit extra idea idem irate item made maid mare mart mate mated mater matrix mature matured maxed mead meat media merit mire mired mite mitre mixed mixer mixture mute muted radium raid rate rated read ream remit remix ride rime rite rude rued tame tamed tamer taxed taxi taxied team tear tedium term tide tied tier time timed timer tirade tire tired trad trade tram tread triad tried trim true uteri
mixture tirade mature admire media merit trade tread tried irate dream admit audit extra time date dart dare taxi dame team tear term tide tied tier mate arid tire amid mare tram maid aide made trim true tame rude exit dirt exam emit edit duet mire drum mite idea dire rite mute diet raid rate read dear item ride meat
adieu adieux admire admit admixture aide aimed aired amid arid armed atrium audit axed dame dare dart date datum dear demur diet dime dire dirt dram drat dream dreamt drum duet edit emir emit exam exit extra idea idem irate item made maid mare mart mate mated mater matrix mature matured maxed mead meat media merit mire mired mite mitre mixed mixer mixture mute muted radium raid rate rated read ream remit remix ride rime rite rude rued tame tamed tamer taxed taxi taxied team tear tedium term tide tied tier time timed timer tirade tire tired trad trade tram tread triad tried trim true uteri


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