

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© Ranald McIntyre, Geograph. Licence: CC-BY-SA 2.0. Source

About this picture …

The Falkirk Wheel is truly one of a kind, the only example in Britain or the world. It is a rotating boat-lift, that hoists boats from the Forth and Clyde Canal to the Union Canal above it. It was opened by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 2002, and replaced a formidable series of eleven locks that took most of a day to pass through, leading to closure in the 1930s. A single lift takes just ten minutes.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

alert alit alter atelier awhile earl earth eater either elite ether ewer hail hair hale halt halter hare hart hate hater heal healer hear heart heat heater heel heir here hilt hire irate lair late later lath lathe lather leat leather leer liar lira lire lite lithe litre rail rate real reel reheat relate retail rhea rile rite tail tale teal tear thaw thee their there thew three threw tier tile tiler tire trail trawl tree trial twee twirl wail wait waiter wart water weal wealth wealthier wear weather weir welt welter were whale whaler what wheat wheel where whet while whir whirl whit white whiter wile wilt wire with wither wraith wrath wreath wreathe writ write writhe
weather leather waiter relate wealth either whale their trial trail trawl twirl threw water there three alert wheat white whirl heart while elite wheel later write alter where earth wail wait with were tree what weir wear wire tail heel heat hear heal heir here hire hate hail hair halt late tale tear thaw tile real liar rate rail lite tire
alert alit alter atelier awhile earl earth eater either elite ether ewer hail hair hale halt halter hare hart hate hater heal healer hear heart heat heater heel heir here hilt hire irate lair late later lath lathe lather leat leather leer liar lira lire lite lithe litre rail rate real reel reheat relate retail rhea rile rite tail tale teal tear thaw thee their there thew three threw tier tile tiler tire trail trawl tree trial twee twirl wail wait waiter wart water weal wealth wealthier wear weather weir welt welter were whale whaler what wheat wheel where whet while whir whirl whit white whiter wile wilt wire with wither wraith wrath wreath wreathe writ write writhe


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