

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© David Dixon, Geograph. Licence: CC-BY-SA 2.0. Source

About this picture …

Formerly of the Southern railway, No. 850 ‘Lord Nelson’ heads a train on the East Lancashire Railway on its way north from Bury to Ramsbottom.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

aced acne aeon aloe alone anode anon candle cane caned canned canoe canoed canon canoodle clad clan clean clod clone cloned coal coda code coed cola cold colon colonnade condo condone cone coned conned cooed cool cooled coon dace dale dance deacon deal dean decal dole done elan eland lace laced laden lance lanced land lane lead lean lend load loan loaned loco lode lone loon neon nodal node none noodle noon ocean olde olden once
condone deacon noodle candle dance ocean alone lance laden canoe clone clean canon lane lean lend land lead lone none noon once loan load clan coal code cane dean deal dole done dale cold cone cool lace
aced acne aeon aloe alone anode anon candle cane caned canned canoe canoed canon canoodle clad clan clean clod clone cloned coal coda code coed cola cold colon colonnade condo condone cone coned conned cooed cool cooled coon dace dale dance deacon deal dean decal dole done elan eland lace laced laden lance lanced land lane lead lean lend load loan loaned loco lode lone loon neon nodal node none noodle noon ocean olde olden once


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Featured Music

1 2 3

Scottish Rhapsody

Ronald Binge (1910-1979)

Performed by the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Ernest Tomlinson.

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I’ve used this music with:

A Parliament for Scotland

Song 46 (Drop, drop slow tears)

Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)

Performed by the Choir of King's College, Cambridge, conducted by Stephen Cleobury.

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Transcript / Notes

1 Drop, drop, slow tears,
and bathe those beauteous feet,
which brought from heaven
the news and Prince of Peace.

2 Cease not, wet eyes,
his mercies to entreat;
to cry for vengeance
sin doth never cease.

3 In your deep floods
drown all my faults and fears;
nor let his eye
see sin, but through my tears.

Phineas Fletcher (1582-1650)

Faronell’s Division on a Ground — La Folia

John Playford (ed.) (1623-1686)

Performed by Ensemble Hespèrion XXI.

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I’ve used this music with:

John Playford Interregnum