

Make as many words as you can from just nine letters. Can you beat our score?

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© Richard Humphrey, Geograph. Licence: CC-BY-SA 2.0. Source

Trees in Welney, Norfolk, covered in a thick hoar frost.

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© Richard Humphrey, Geograph. Licence: CC-BY-SA 2.0.

Trees in Welney, Norfolk, covered in a thick hoar frost.


A Polyword is a game with words and letters. Make words of four letters or more from the letters of a nine-letter word, using each letter only once. Include the highlighted letter in every word you make. Can you beat our score?

Tap on any letter to use it for your word. Remember to include the highlighted letter. To change the highlighted letter and get different words, click here.

See All Words

aeon agape anger angora apron area arena argon earn ergo gape gear goer gone goner gopher gore gran grape graph groan grope hang hangar hanger hare harp heap hear hero heron hoar hone hope horn nape neap near negro nope ogre open opera orange organ orphan orphanage paean pagan page pager pane pang para paragon pare pear phone pone pong pore porn prang prone prong raga rage rang range rape reap rhea roan rope
area earn gape gear gone gore hang hare harp heap hear hero hope horn near open page pane pear rage rang rape reap rope anger apron arena grape graph groan grope heron opera organ pagan phone prone prong range orange orphan paragon
aeon agape anger angora apron area arena argon earn ergo gape gear goer gone goner gopher gore gran grape graph groan grope hang hangar hanger hare harp heap hear hero heron hoar hone hope horn nape neap near negro nope ogre open opera orange organ orphan orphanage paean pagan page pager pane pang para paragon pare pear phone pone pong pore porn prang prone prong raga rage rang range rape reap rhea roan rope


See All Polywords (260)

Find Frost in the Archive


Opposites Find in Think and Speak

Suggest words or phrases that seem opposite in meaning to each of the words below. We have suggested some possible answers; see if you can find any others.

This exercise uses words found in the accompanying puzzle.

1. Hero. 2. Near. 3. Open. 4. Reap.

Show Useful Words (A-Z order)

Variations: 1.instead of opposites, suggest words of similar meaning (synonyms). 2.use a word and its opposite in the same sentence. 3.suggest any 5 opposites formed by adding dis-.


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