
High and Dry

Make as many words as you can from just nine letters. Can you beat our score?

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High and Dry

© Ian Capper, Geograph. Licence: CC-BY-SA 2.0. Source

Instow Sands in Devonshire, looking across the River Torridge towards Appledore. The Torridge joins the Taw here before issuing into the Bristol Channel at Barnstaple (or Bideford) Bay.

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© Ian Capper, Geograph. Licence: CC-BY-SA 2.0.

Instow Sands in Devonshire, looking across the River Torridge towards Appledore. The Torridge joins the Taw here before issuing into the Bristol Channel at Barnstaple (or Bideford) Bay.


A Polyword is a game with words and letters. Make words of four letters or more from the letters of a nine-letter word, using each letter only once. Include the highlighted letter in every word you make. Can you beat our score?

Tap on any letter to use it for your word. Remember to include the highlighted letter. To change the highlighted letter and get different words, click here.

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cert cider cite cited city clue clued cred credit credulity cried crud crude crudely crudity cruel cruelty cruet cued cult curd curdle cure cured curl curled curly curt curtly cute cutely cuter cutey cutie cutlery decry deity deli dice dicey diet dilute dire direct directly dirt dirty drey drily duct ductile duel duet dulcet duly duty ecru edict edit iced idle idler idly lice lied lire lite litre lucid lucre lure lured lurid lute lyre lyric relic rely rice ride rile riled rite rude rudely rued rule ruled ruly tide tidy tied tier tilde tile tiled tiler tire tired tiredly trey trice tried truce true truly tyre ulcer uric uteri yeti yield
cutlery dilute curdle direct credit dirty yield edict lucid lurid cider deity truce ulcer cried crude cruel truly curly relic tile ride rely tire rice true tied tide tidy rite rude tier tyre rule curd dice cute curt curl cure cult dire clue city cite diet dirt lute idle lure lice iced edit duly duet duel duct duty
cert cider cite cited city clue clued cred credit credulity cried crud crude crudely crudity cruel cruelty cruet cued cult curd curdle cure cured curl curled curly curt curtly cute cutely cuter cutey cutie cutlery decry deity deli dice dicey diet dilute dire direct directly dirt dirty drey drily duct ductile duel duet dulcet duly duty ecru edict edit iced idle idler idly lice lied lire lite litre lucid lucre lure lured lurid lute lyre lyric relic rely rice ride rile riled rite rude rudely rued rule ruled ruly tide tidy tied tier tilde tile tiled tiler tire tired tiredly trey trice tried truce true truly tyre ulcer uric uteri yeti yield


See All Polywords (260)

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Opposites Find in Think and Speak

Suggest words or phrases that seem opposite in meaning to each of the words below. We have suggested some possible answers; see if you can find any others.

This exercise uses words found in the accompanying puzzle.

1. Cruel. 2. Dilute. 3. Idle. 4. Lure. 5. Lurid. 6. Rude. 7. Tidy. 8. True. 9. Yield.

Show Useful Words (A-Z order)

Variations: 1.instead of opposites, suggest words of similar meaning (synonyms). 2.use a word and its opposite in the same sentence. 3.suggest any 5 opposites formed by adding im-.


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