

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© Michael Graham, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

About this picture …

A cairn on Hart Crag near Hartsop in Cumbria’s Lake District. In the distance you can just make out Windermere.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

acer ache acne acre anent ante anther arch cane cant canter care caret cart cater cent cert chant char chare chart chat chatter cheat crane crate each earn earth enact enchant entrant etch hare hart hate hater hatter hear heart heat henna nacre narc natch natter near neat nectar nett race ranch rant ratchet rate reach react recant rent retch rhea tact tanner tarn tart tater teach tear teat tech tenant tench tent tenth tern than that then threat trace tract trance tranche treat trench trenchant
enchant nectar tenant natter threat canter trance trench ranch heart teach reach enact earth tench treat tract trace cater chant react chart tenth crate crane cheat rent teat tear tact then that tent than tart rate chat acre arch cane care cart each rant earn hare hart hate hear heat ache near neat race
acer ache acne acre anent ante anther arch cane cant canter care caret cart cater cent cert chant char chare chart chat chatter cheat crane crate each earn earth enact enchant entrant etch hare hart hate hater hatter hear heart heat henna nacre narc natch natter near neat nectar nett race ranch rant ratchet rate reach react recant rent retch rhea tact tanner tarn tart tater teach tear teat tech tenant tench tent tenth tern than that then threat trace tract trance tranche treat trench trenchant


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Featured Music

1 2 3

Scottish Suite

2. Turn ye to me

Leroy Anderson (1908-1975)

Performed by the BBC Concert Orchestra, conducted by Leonard Slatkin.

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Transcript / Notes

The stars are shining cheerily, cheerily,
Horo, Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me.
The sea mew [gull] is moaning drearily, drearily,
Horo, Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me.

Cold is the stormwind that ruffles his breast
But warm are the downy plumes lining his nest
Cold blows the storm there,
Soft falls the snow there,
Horo, Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me.

The waves are dancing merrily, merrily,
Horo, Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me.
The seabirds are wailing wearily, wearily,
Horo, Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me.

Hushed be thy moaning, lone bird of the sea;
Thy home on the rocks is a shelter to thee;
Thy home is the angry wave,
Mine but the lonely grave
Horo, Mhairi dhu, turn ye to me.

Words by John Wilson (1785-1854), under the pseudonym Christopher North.

Othello Suite

3. Willow Song

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912)

Played by RTE Concert Orchestra, conducted by Adrian Leaper.

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I’ve used this music with:

A Surfeit of Lampreys

Khovanshchina (Opera)

Dawn on the Moskva River

Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)

Performed by the Berliner Philharmoniker, conducted by Sir Simon Rattle.

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I’ve used this music with:

Unbroken Amity