
Subject and Object

Compose two sentences for each of these nouns, one where it is the subject of the verb and (if possible) one where it is the object.

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Subject and Object

From the Imperial War Museums, via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain. Source

King George VI knighting Sir Oliver Leese.


No further information.

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King George VI knighting Sir Oliver Leese.

From the Imperial War Museums, via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain.


Use each word below in two sentences, first as the subject of a verb, and then as the object of a verb. It doesn’t have to be the same verb: some verbs can’t be paired with an object (e.g. arrive, happen), so watch out for these.

The words in this puzzle are taken randomly from a list of 1488 common nouns.

For example (cat):

‘My cat got into a fight last night’ (subject of the verb ‘get’).

‘I took my cat to the vet this morning’ (object of the verb ‘take’).

1. Activity. 2. River. 3. Recovery. 4. Country. 5. Administration. 6. Battle. 7. Worm. 8. Laugh. 9. Tennis.

Variations: 1.use your noun in the plural (e.g. cat → cats), if possible. 2.give one of your sentences a future aspect (e.g. will, going to). 3.write sentences using negatives such as not, neither, nobody and never.

To get another set of words, simply refresh this page.


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