

Make as many words as you can from the letters of a nine-letter word, making sure you use the highlighted letter. Can you beat our score?
© Richard West, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

About this picture …

The ‘Hundred-Year Stone’ is a sculpture on the shore of Derwentwater in Cumbria, by Peter Randall-Page. It marks the centenary of the National Trust, which local naturalist and children’s author Beatrix Potter helped to create. Beyond the lake is Cat Bells ridge.


Make words using the letters shown in the grid. Your words should be four or more letters in length. All your words must include the highlighted letter in the centre. Tap on any letter to use it for your word.

acer ache acre actor aitch arch artichoke cake care caret cart cater cert chair char chare chariot chart chat cheat chit choir choke choker chore ciao cite coat coir coke core cork cote crate creak croak each earth echo erotic erotica etch ethic hack hacker hair hake hare haricot hark hart hate hater hear heart heat heck hector heir hero heroic hick hike hiker hire hoar hock hoick iota irate itch kart ketch kite oath ochre ocker okra orate other otic race rack racket rake rate ratio reach react recto retch rhea rice rich rick riot rite roach rock rocket rota rote tack tackier taco take taker taro teach teak tear tech their thick thicker thicko thrice tick ticker tier tike tire torch tore trace track trek trice trick trike trio troika
chariot racket rocket heroic earth ethic their actor irate heart teach thick taker croak trace chair chart track cater trick ratio cheat reach torch react other chore creak crate choir choke riot rice rich rite tier tick tire tore trek rate tear tack rota take teak rock hire core coat cork hack echo each cite cake arch acre ache care cart chat hair itch iota kite rack race oath hike hate hart hare hear heat hero heir rake
acer ache acre actor aitch arch artichoke cake care caret cart cater cert chair char chare chariot chart chat cheat chit choir choke choker chore ciao cite coat coir coke core cork cote crate creak croak each earth echo erotic erotica etch ethic hack hacker hair hake hare haricot hark hart hate hater hear heart heat heck hector heir hero heroic hick hike hiker hire hoar hock hoick iota irate itch kart ketch kite oath ochre ocker okra orate other otic race rack racket rake rate ratio reach react recto retch rhea rice rich rick riot rite roach rock rocket rota rote tack tackier taco take taker taro teach teak tear tech their thick thicker thicko thrice tick ticker tier tike tire torch tore trace track trek trice trick trike trio troika


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Featured Music

1 2 3

Coronation Scot

Vivian Ellis (1903-1996)

Played by the BBC Symphony Orchestra, conducted by John Wilson.

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Air and Variations (‘The Harmonious Blacksmith’) from Suite No. 5 in E Major, HWV 430

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)

Played by Ragna Schirmer.

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Transcript / Notes

In some British schools, the following song was sung to this air several years ago:

LATE and early, brawny and burly,
There at his anvil the blacksmith stands,
Never tiring by strength inspiring,
Manfully toiling with eager hands.
List to the clamour of his busy hammer,
Mark the sparks that upward fly like showers of falling rain:
Hear him singing as his sledge goes swinging
’Til the glowing iron rings again.

Romeo and Juliet

Dance of the Knights

Serge Prokofiev (1891-1953)

Performed by the Cleveland Orchestra, conducted by Lorin Maazel.

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