Clay Lane Blog


Use phrases such as ‘to the town’ in sentences, with nouns or with verbs.

February 26

Use phrases such as ‘to the town’ in sentences, with nouns or with verbs.

Use each phrase (1) as an adjective (describing a noun) and (2) as an adverb (describing a verb). Click on any phrase to see some suggestions.

For example: to the town.

The road to the town was flooded. [Adjectival, describing ‘road’]

He walked to the town. [Adverbial, describing ‘walk’]

1 At the corner

2 Under the floorboards

3 In the garden

Adapted from an exercise in Exercises 12-13 (1933) by NL Clay.

Posted February 26

Tags: Adverbs (1) Phrases (3)

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