

Rearrange the letters of each word to make a new word.

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© Tony Quilty, Geograph. CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

A horse galloping along the shore, Duncannon, Ireland.


No further information.

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A horse galloping along the shore, Duncannon, Ireland.

© Tony Quilty, Geograph. CC BY-SA 2.0.


The letters of each word in this list can be rearranged to make at least one other word. See if you can find the number indicated. You may be able to think of more. Some obscure words and some words that are not quite suitable for polite conversation have been left out.

The games in this puzzle are taken from a list of 326. They are listed randomly.

Anagram Count Word Length

1. Gums. (2)
2. Stanch. (2)
3. Instead. (3)
4. Slating. (2)
5. Nameless. (3)
6. Coast. (2)


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