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Could Do Better The Report of the Newcastle Commission confirmed that there were no Dotheboys Halls among Yorkshire’s private schools.
Music: William Herschel

© Humphrey Bolton, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

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Roe Head School in Mirfield, Yorkshire. Charlotte Brontë attended as a pupil in 1831, and returned as a teacher in 1835-38. Her headmistress was Miss Wooler, “Good, kind Miss W---!” as Elizabeth Gaskell called her, “a genial and thoughtful friend watching over her,” who gave Charlotte away at her wedding in 1854. It was a far cry from the Clergy Daughters’ School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire that ruined her own health and, Charlotte firmly believed, claimed the life of her sisters Mary and Elizabeth in 1825. Roe Head is now owned by the Hollybank Trust and used as a Special School.

Could Do Better
The Newcastle Commission of 1859 was in large measure a response to allegations of educational malpractice in Charles Dickens’s novel ‘Nicholas Nickleby’ (1838). The Assistant Commissioner for Yorkshire, Mr J. G. Fitch, submitted a wide-ranging and often critical report, but he could not let Dickens’s allegations pass without comment.

THERE is a visible improvement in the character of private schools. Bad as many of them are, charlatanry is on the decline.

For example, I have wholly failed to discover any examples of the typical Yorkshire boarding-school with which Nicholas Nickleby has made us familiar.* I have seen schools in which board and education were furnished for 20l, and even 18l per annum,* but have been unable to find evidences of bad feeding or physical neglect.

As a rule, the children in the cheap boarding-schools are in good health, and are sufficiently though coarsely fed.* The accommodations in the houses are mean, and the sleeping arrangements often bad; but the domestic comfort obtainable is little, if at all, inferior to that which the boys would probably enjoy in the homes from which they come.

See Brimstone and Treacle. Fitch proposed many changes to the way schools were run, but had no enthusiasm for one-size-fits-all State intervention. “Nothing has become clearer to me during this investigation,” he wrote, “than the fact that any sweeping or Procrustean measure will do great injustice.” On Procrustes, see .

According to the calculators used at Measuring Worth, the equivalent value today in terms of income or wealth would be £1,839 and £1,655 respectively. Fitch wrote that “it is in the education that the pinching is felt. The starvation of the mind is less likely to be detected at home than that of the body, and good food is often paid for at the price of insufficient teaching.”

Fitch described the meals as “monotonous and unsavoury, and yet wasteful”, a criticism later made of Government workhouses by Emmeline Pankhurst: see A Woman’s Logic. He also added that the survey forms asking teachers about school meals too often came back blank or with evasive replies like “Good Yorkshire cheer” scrawled into the box.


Abridged from ‘Schools Inquiry Commission, Vol. IX’ (1868), by J. G. Fitch Esq..

Suggested Music

Oboe Concerto C major

3: Allegretto

William Herschel (1738-1822)

Performed by Richard Woodhams (oboe) with the Mozart Orchestra, directed by Davis Jerome.

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How To Use This Passage

You can use this passage to help improve your command of English.

IRead it aloud, twice or more. IISummarise it in one sentence of up to 30 words. IIISummarise it in one paragraph of 40-80 words. IVMake notes on the passage, and reconstruct the original from them later on. VJot down any unfamiliar words, and make your own sentences with them later. VIMake a note of any words that surprise or impress you, and ask yourself what meaning they add to the words you would have expected to see. VIITurn any old-fashioned English into modern English. VIIITurn prose into verse, and verse into prose. IXAsk yourself what the author is trying to get you to feel or think. XHow would an artist or a photographer capture the scene? XIHow would a movie director shoot it, or a composer write incidental music for it?

For these and more ideas, see How to Use The Copy Book.

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