
Education 30 posts Page 1 of 5


Extracts from Literature

The Squeers Method

Mr Squeers explains his educational philosophy to his new and bewildered assistant master at Dotheboys Hall in Yorkshire.

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for Education

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Educational Ideals

Like the ideal Christian, the ideal teacher is one who spreads joy in everything, great or small.


Economic Illiteracy

If Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli really wanted a better-educated public, he must tackle the high cost of living.

Free Speech and Conscience

Of Hares, Hounds and Red Herrings

In January 1807, newspapers breathlessly reported that Napoleon Bonaparte’s rampage across Europe was at an end — but was it true?

Liberty and Prosperity

‘God Never Sends Mouths Without Sending Meat’

Riding through Sussex, William Cobbett comes across a large family relaxing together in front of their charming cottage.

Extracts from Literature

Carry Opinion With You

Britain’s first qualified female doctor, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, had a message for the first women to study for London University’s degree in medicine.


The Facts Factory

Mr Gradgrind and a Government expert on education make sure that the children of Coketown have the right opinions about everything.