
Nicholas Nickleby (Novel)

in The Copy Book

There are eight posts in The Copy Book tagged Nicholas Nickleby (Novel). To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Mrs Nickleby’s Cold Cure

Charmed by their attentions to her daughter Kate, Mrs Nickleby rewards Mr Pyke and Mr Pluck with a reminiscence about her favourite home remedy for colds.


The Squeers Method

Mr Squeers explains his educational philosophy to his new and bewildered assistant master at Dotheboys Hall in Yorkshire.


‘Let’s Be a Comfortable Couple’

The offices of the Cheeryble Brothers are humming with excitement over two upcoming weddings, and Tim Linkinwater finds the mood is catching.


Could Do Better

The Report of the Newcastle Commission confirmed that there were no Dotheboys Halls among Yorkshire’s private schools.


Brimstone and Treacle

Mrs Squeers has lost the school spoon, and is uncomfortably frank about its importance.


The Duel

Sir Mulberry Hawk’s coarse conduct towards Kate Nickleby has awoken a spark of decency in Lord Frederick Verisopht.