

in The Copy Book

There are six posts in The Copy Book credited to Plutarch. (In the case of some authors, the list may include translations and paraphrases.)


Speech Therapy

Demosthenes was about sixteen when he decided he wanted to be a lawyer, but he was the most unpromising advocate imaginable.


‘Macedonia Is Too Small for Thee’

Plutarch tells us how Alexander the Great came to bond with Bucephalus, the mighty stallion that bore him to so many victories.


Mark Antony Catches a Kipper

The surprisingly sensitive Roman commander was hoping to impress a girl with his angling skills.


A Pyrrhic Victory

The ancient Greek King knew victory had cost his army more than it could afford to lose.


‘Stand out of my Sunshine!’

Alexander the Great dropped a hint to his sycophantic entourage.


The Battle of Salamis

As the Persian Empire’s grip tightened by land and sea, it fell to one man to unite Greece in a last desperate bid to break it.