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Home Thoughts from the Sea Robert Browning, aboard ship in sight of Gibraltar, reflects on the momentous events in British history that have happened nearby.
Queen Victoria 1837-1901
Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams

By Thomas William Ogilvie McNiven (1792-1870), via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain. Source

About this picture …

Ships in the Strait of Gibraltar, painted in 1814 by Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas William Ogilvie McNiven (1792-1870). Stirred by the sight of so many places where the peoples of the British Isles had given their lives to resist invasion by the states of the Continent, Browning reflected that there was still a noble work for a man like him to do — a feat not of arms, but of thankful prayer. See also St George and the Dragon.

Home Thoughts from the Sea
In this poem from his travels in 1838, Robert Browning is aboard a ship just off Tangiers. Cape St Vincent in Portugal has faded from view, but he can see Cadiz and Cape Trafalgar clearly, and just make out Gibraltar. He thinks of the stirring events in British history that took place hereabouts, and wonders what an ordinary Englishmen can still do for his country.

NOBLY, nobly Cape Saint Vincent to the North-West died away;*
Sunset ran, one glorious blood-red, reeking into Cadiz Bay;
Bluish ’mid the burning water, full in face Trafalgar lay;*
In the dimmest North-East distance, dawned Gibraltar grand and gray;*
‘Here and here did England help me: how can I help England?’ – say,
Whoso turns as I, this evening, turn to God to praise and pray,
While Jove’s planet rises yonder, silent over Africa.

* See Google Maps. Cape St Vincent in Portugal, where in 1797 Sir John Jervis defeated a Spanish fleet during the French Revolutionary Wars. Following the overthrow of the monarchy in 1789, the enthusiasm of the new French government was such that they sought to export republicanism to their neighbours by any means possible. Sometimes the threat seemed worse than it was. See Jemima Fawr and the Last Invasion of Britain.

* Cape Trafalgar in Spain, where Admiral Lord Nelson defeated a Franco-Spanish fleet in 1805. See The Battle of Trafalgar. Although the states of the European Continent suffered far worse under Napoleon’s bid for a united Empire, Britain was always under threat and several invasions of England were planned; on one occasion, only rough seas prevented the French fleet from sailing. On England’s happy protection by the seas, see Fairest Isle.

* Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory, was captured in 1704 during The War of the Spanish Succession, two years after defeat at Battle of Cadiz (hence the appropriateness of the blood-red Bay); it was ceded to Britain in perpetuity when the war ended in 1713. Throughout the conflict, the invasion of England had been a very real possibility. From 1779 to 1783, during the American War of Independence, the residents and garrison of Gibraltar endured a siege by French and Spanish ships. It was a sacrifice that tied down enemy forces that might otherwise have been used to damaging effect elsewhere. Gibraltarians have been full British subjects since 1981.


In 1838, Robert Browning was aboard a ship off Tangiers, near four places in Portugal and Spain where the fate of England had once been in the balance. He wondered what an Englishman today could do for his country, and concluded that he should do what Browning himself did at that moment: turn to God in praise, and pray. (58 / 60 words)


From ‘Poems of Robert Browning’ (1911) by Robert Browning (1812-1889), selected and edited by Charles Wesley Hodell (1872-1925).

Suggested Music

49th Parallel

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)

Performed by the Northern Sinfonia of England, conducted by Richard Hickox.

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Transcript / Notes

This music comes from Vaughan Williams’s score for the British wartime movie 49th Parallel (1941), made by the writer-director pair Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.

Muir Mathieson, who would be the conductor, went to see Vaughan Williams about writing for the cinema. Mathieson later recalled:

When I went to see Vaughan Williams at his country home in the spring of 1940, I found him strangely depressed at his inability to play a fuller part in the war. He felt that the musicians had done little to express the spirit and resolve of the British people. At this time he was ‘doing his bit’ by driving a cart round the village and countryside, collecting scrap metal and salvage. I told him the story of “49th Parallel” and tried to show how the cinema could help to achieve those very objects for which he was striving.

For more, see The Powell and Pressburger Pages.

How To Use This Passage

You can use this passage to help improve your command of English.

IRead it aloud, twice or more. IISummarise it in one sentence of up to 30 words. IIISummarise it in one paragraph of 40-80 words. IVMake notes on the passage, and reconstruct the original from them later on. VJot down any unfamiliar words, and make your own sentences with them later. VIMake a note of any words that surprise or impress you, and ask yourself what meaning they add to the words you would have expected to see. VIITurn any old-fashioned English into modern English. VIIITurn prose into verse, and verse into prose. IXAsk yourself what the author is trying to get you to feel or think. XHow would an artist or a photographer capture the scene? XIHow would a movie director shoot it, or a composer write incidental music for it?

For these and more ideas, see How to Use The Copy Book.

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