The Tale of Years

The clock in Victoria railway station, Bombay.

By A. Savin, Wikimedia Comons. Free Art Licence. Source
Tale of Years


in The Copy Book

There are ten posts in The Copy Book assigned to 1838. To see all our posts in chronological order, go to the Tale of Years.

Jenny Kissed Me

Leigh Hunt looks back to a memorable event in a long life.

The Hornets’ Nest

Britain’s fear of Russia led her to attempt regime change in Afghanistan, but it cost many lives and damaged the army’s reputation.

Home Thoughts from the Sea

Robert Browning, aboard ship in sight of Gibraltar, reflects on the momentous events in British history that have happened nearby.

The Bashful Young Gentleman

Charles Dickens sketches for us the shyly ingratiating youth who gets himself in a tangle in the presence of Beauty.

A Monument to Liberty

Samuel Smiles explains why the London and Birmingham Railway was an achievement superior to the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The Prisoner’s Friend

Thomas Wright never earned more than a foreman’s wage, but he helped hundreds of prisoners back into society.