
William Shakespeare

in The Copy Book

There are twenty-one posts in The Copy Book credited to William Shakespeare. (In the case of some authors, the list may include translations and paraphrases.)

There are additional posts related to William Shakespeare listed in the Subjects section. See them at William Shakespeare (3).


What’s in a Name?

Juliet complains that the man she loves has the wrong name, and the man she loves hears her doing it.


Mind Over Matter

John of Gaunt tries to persuade his son Henry that banishment from England isn’t such a bad thing, if you think about in the right way.


O, You Hard Hearts!

Marullus was disgusted at the way that the fickle people of Rome turned so easily from one hero to another.


If England to Itself Do Rest but True

With King John dead and the threat of invasion fading, Philip Faulconbridge reflects that the danger within is always greater than the danger without.


The Quality of Mercy

Shylock is savouring revenge on Antonio for years of disgusting mistreatment, but the judge warns him to temper his demands.


‘To Thine Own Self Be True’

Standing on the dockside with Laertes, who is eager to board ship for Paris, Polonius takes a moment to share some fatherly wisdom.