
Extracts from Fiction

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Extracts from Literature

The White Queen’s Riddle

Alice was set a poetical test of wits by the kindly (but like all the other characters, utterly maddening) White Queen.

Extracts from Literature

Swept off her Feet

Marianne Dashwood sprains an ankle, but help is at hand.

Extracts from Literature

A Perfect Combination of Imperfections

Jane Eyre meets a not very handsome stranger, and likes him all the better for it.

Extracts from Literature

The Sign from Heaven

Was it an over-excited imagination, or an answer to prayer?

Extracts from Literature

The Summons Comes for Mr Standfast

In John Buchan’s story about the Great War, Richard Hannay must watch as his friend sacrifices his life for the Allies.

Extracts from Literature

‘God Tempers the Wind to the Shorn Lamb’

Mary Mason could not forgive herself for a past misdeed.