Clay Lane


New posts, old posts, and a few brainteasers

January 22 January 9 OS


Ivan the Terrible offered free trade to English merchants throughout his dominions.

In 1553, Edward VI gave letters into the hand of Richard Chancellor, to present to the ruler of Moscow should the Englishman’s dangerous voyage of exploration through the icy waters of the northeast passage succeed. Despite grave hardships the English won through, and following year Tsar Ivan IV (‘the Terrible’) wrote a reply — unaware that Edward was dead, and Queen Mary would be reading it.

Posted October 31 2024


Tags: Copy Book (73)


Make each scene come alive by adding people and action.

The first of these was given to students in Clay’s Exercises 12-13 (1933); the others are mine. Choose one of the following and describe it, introducing people and action.

1 A waiting room.

2 A lift.

3 A cricket pavilion.

4 A shop at an airport.

5 A stables.

Try to make sure your scene helps the reader to answer six questions: What? Who? Where? When (e.g. in the day, or in history)? How? Why? But remember: Show, don’t tell!

Posted October 28 2024

Tags: What Do You See (2)

Post Box : Help Available


Rudyard Kipling believed that a better appreciation of ancient Greece and Rome could help the English be less insular.

As the twentieth century progressed, more and more people asked why English schools taught Latin and Greek. Rudyard Kipling was one of those who resisted the trend. The value, he said, lay not in ‘intellectual training’, which can be acquired in other ways, but in the development of humility and respect — like playing cricket long enough to realise just how good Ranjitsinhji was.

Posted October 28 2024


Tags: Copy Book (73)


An Englishman in Exile

Faced with a choice between silence, dungeon or exile, William Cobbett chose exile — and then had to make sense of it.

In March, 1817, English radical William Cobbett fled to the US, in the belief that he was about to arrested for his cheap, popular and highly critical digest of Parliamentary news, the Political Register. A few months later, he wrote back home to his supporters from his Long Island farm explaining how, as an expat, he would balance his divided loyalties.

Posted October 27 2024


Tags: Copy Book (73)


Jenny Kissed Me

Leigh Hunt looks back to a memorable event in a long life.

Leigh Hunt first published this delightful poem (which he labelled a Rondeau, though hardly in the technical sense of that term) in The Monthly Chronicle for November 1838. It was inspired by a impulsive greeting from Jane Welsh, wife of Thomas Carlyle.

Posted October 26 2024


Tags: Copy Book (73)


Make as many words as you can from just nine letters. Can you beat our score?

See All Words

aced acid acne acted aide ailed alien alit allied ante anti antic cadet call called candle candlelit cane caned cant canted cedilla cell cent cine citadel cite cited clad clan clean cleat client dace dale dance date deal dealt dean decal decant deli dell delta denial dent dental detail detain dial dialect dice dicta diet dilate dill dine dint eclat edict edit elan eland enact entail iced idea ideal idle inlet lace laced laden ladle laid lain lance lanced lancet land lane late lead lean leant leat lend lent lentil lice lied lien lilac lilt line lineal lined lint lintel lite nail nailed neat nice tail tailed talc tale tall tallied teal tell tend tidal tide tied tilde tile tiled till tilled tine
candlelit citadel dialect allied candle client denial dental detail detain dilate entail lancet lentil lintel nailed tailed tilled acted alien cadet clean dance dealt delta edict enact ideal inlet laden ladle lance leant lilac lined tidal tiled aced acid acne aide ante call cane cell cent cite clan clad dale date deal dean dell dent dial dice diet dill dine edit iced idea idle lace land lane late laid lead lean lend lent lain lied lilt line lint lice nail neat nice tail tale tall teal tell tend tide tied tile till
aced acid acne acted aide ailed alien alit allied ante anti antic cadet call called candle candlelit cane caned cant canted cedilla cell cent cine citadel cite cited clad clan clean cleat client dace dale dance date deal dealt dean decal decant deli dell delta denial dent dental detail detain dial dialect dice dicta diet dilate dill dine dint eclat edict edit elan eland enact entail iced idea ideal idle inlet lace laced laden ladle laid lain lance lanced lancet land lane late lead lean leant leat lend lent lentil lice lied lien lilac lilt line lineal lined lint lintel lite nail nailed neat nice tail tailed talc tale tall tallied teal tell tend tidal tide tied tilde tile tiled till tilled tine

Posted October 26 2024

Tags: Polywords (16) Think and Speak (37)