Thomas Wright offers his readers a way of thinking about the enormous distances involved in any description of the solar system.
As an astronomer, Thomas Wright was particularly struck by the sheer size of the universe, “the secret Depths of Infinity, and the wonderful hidden Truths of this vast Ocean of Beings”. He often found that others, though fascinated by the solar system, had no conception of the distances involved, so he came up with this homely illustration.
Picture: By NASA/JPL, via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain image.. Source.
Posted March 4 2022
Though some other sciences may seem to destroy it, astronomy restores a sense of religious awe.
Astronomer Thomas Wright approached his subject not only with passion but also with reverence. In a preface to his collection of nine ‘Letters’, in which he discussed fifteen years of observations, he told his unnamed correspondent that in common with many heroes of science and literature, he had found his religious belief deepened by studying the stars.
Picture: © Anne Dirkse, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0.. Source.
Posted March 4 2022
Augustus, the Roman Emperor, invited himself to dine at the luxury Naples villa of Publius Vedius Pollio, but a broken goblet thoroughly spoilt the evening.
The Roman Emperor Augustus (r. 27 BC - AD 14) made a habit of inviting himself to other men’s tables — not expecting much ceremony, though to one host who put on no show at all he remarked as he left, ‘I didn’t realise I was such an intimate friend of yours’. His dinner companions varied, but for the sake of his civic building projects he favoured the vulgar millionaire, and few were as vulgar as Vedius Pollio.
Picture: © Salvatore Capuano, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain image.. Source.
Posted February 26 2022
As a young man, surveyor Thomas Telford was a red-hot political activist who yearned for revolution, but admittedly he had read just one book on the matter.
In 1791 Norfolk-born Thomas Paine (lately of the USA), a vocal enthusiast of the French revolution, published a withering denunciation of the British constitution entitled The Rights of Man. Surveyor Thomas Telford, who was living in Shrewsbury Castle as a guest of the local MP, Sir William Pulteney, was swept away by it, and began recommending it to his friends back home in Galloway.
Picture: © Graham Robertson, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0.. Source.
Posted February 25 2022
The politicians of Novgorod, angry at Moscow’s interference, thought they would teach her a lesson by selling out to Poland.
In 1471, even as England was being torn apart by the Wars of the Roses, the little republic of Novgorod was rent by its own bitter divisions. The meddling of upstart Moscow in their historic city had become insupportable, and many in the Veche, Novgorod’s civic Council, cried that independence could be achieved only by submission to the King of Poland.
Picture: © LenskiyS, wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0.. Source.
Posted February 19 2022
Back in the days of the prophet Samuel, so the story goes, a grandson of Trojan hero Aeneas brought civilisation to the British Isles.
Geoffrey of Monmouth (?-1155) was residing in Oxford when, in the 1130s, he wrote his majestic History of the Kings of Britain, in which he entrances us with tales of Merlin and Arthur. He also seized on a throwaway remark in the ninth-century chronicle History of the Britons, that ‘The island of Britain derives its name from Brutus, a Roman consul’, to romance the following tale.
Picture: © Roger Butterfield, Geograph. Licence CC-BY-SA 2.0.. Source.
Posted February 17 2022