Following the election of a new leader, the wolves listen with approval to his plans for a fairer pack but there is something they don’t know.
“It’s all these ‘gatherers’ and ‘sharers’, I reckon” Hob Hayward told Merry Brandybuck at the end of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Return of the King, when Merry asked why the Shire seemed to be short of food. “They do more gathering than sharing.” Not all collections of Aesop’s Fables include this little tale, but Hob Hayward would have appreciated it.
Picture: © Eric Kilby, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0.. Source.
Posted August 8 2020
Schools inspector Edmond Holmes expressed frustration with those who think that society at large owes them unthinking obedience.
‘Dogma’ is merely a Greek word meaning ‘teaching,’ but the word has acquired a negative connotation, associated with narrow-mindedness and invincible ignorance. However, the jibe is often undeserved. A dogmatist is not the man who believes passionately that other people are dangerously wrong, and sets himself apart from them; as Edmond Holmes said, he is the man who sets himself over them.
Picture: Photo by Mark Owens, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Open Government Licence version 1.0.. Source.
Posted August 5 2020
The people who oil the wheels of society are not the people who never give offence, they are the people who never take any.
There are those, said American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson, who feel they can never really open up, even among their friends, for fear of offending someone. Better, he advised, to choose more robust and sympathetic listeners for your little circle. The hero of an open and accepting society is not the man who never gives offence; it is the man who never takes any.
Picture: By Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919), Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.. Source.
Posted August 5 2020
The man who seems frustratingly dull and awkward may shine in other company, and we owe it to him and to ourselves to read the signs.
If someone seems dull and awkward, wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson, that may simply be a warning that he is in the wrong company. We should be alert for such signs, and learn to help people find their own company and comfort zone; for forcing everyone to fit the same mould could be disastrous for them and for us.
Picture: © Chemical Engineer, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0.. Source.
Posted August 5 2020
If officials in the Raj ever forgot who their boss was, they would bring the whole government down about their ears.
In Kipling’s short story, Aurelian McGoggin, a British bureaucrat, has been boring everyone in Shimla with his conviction that there is neither God nor Hereafter, so we can only worry along somehow for the good of Humanity. In a tongue-in-cheek aside, Kipling gave a Raj-shaped twist to an argument that had been made by political thinkers from Moses to Alexis de Tocqueville.
Picture: © Maxwell Hamilton, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic.. Source.
Posted August 4 2020
A man begs the mighty Heracles to save him the effort of despatching a flea.
Like the Fable of Heracles and the Waggoner, this is a tale about doing all you can before asking for help. Sir Roger L’Estrange, however, took it further. Mindful of the secularism gaining ground in English society, he said the story was a warning to those who give up on religion when trivial matters do not go their way.
Picture: Photo by Wolfgang Rieger. From Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain.. Source.
Posted August 3 2020