Fyodor Dostoevsky listened with growing bewilderment to the celebrity peace activists gathered in Geneva.
On September 9th-12th, 1867, some of the noisiest political activists of the day, including Mikhail Bakunin, Karl Marx, Victor Hugo and Guiseppi Garibaldi, gathered in Geneva for the inaugural Congress of the League of Peace and Freedom. In a letter to his niece, Sofia Alexandrovna, Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky complained that they had a peculiar notion of peace.
Picture: By Henri-Antoine Boissonnas (1833-89), via Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.. Source.
Posted December 26 2024
Izaak Walton recalls how George Herbert summarised the major feasts of the Church year.
From 1630 to his tragically early death just three years later, George Herbert was parish clergyman in Bemerton, Wiltshire. Sensitive and artistic, but stubborn in good principles, he was much loved by his parishioners. Here, Izaak Walton recalls how Herbert expounded the purpose and chief feasts of the Christian calendar, from Christmas to Pentecost.
Picture: By an anonymous artist, via Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.. Source.
Posted December 25 2024
In a sermon for Christmas Day, St Bede confronts his brethren with the truth about Mary’s wonderful child.
In his Gospel, St John tells us that Mary’s child was actually God himself. From early times, the shock of this simple proposition was too much, even for very senior clergy, and they retreated into hair-splitting qualifications to escape it. The eighth-century English monk Bede, in a Christmas sermon, reminded his brethren of what happened to that child later.
Picture: By Georges de la Tour (1593–1652), via Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.. Source.
Posted December 24 2024
‘Alpha of the Plough’ thought the Victorians understood Christmas and New Year better than we do.
Writing in full knowledge of the horrors of the Great War, columnist Alfred Gardiner found early twentieth-century sneering towards the past a little hard to bear. The kind of progress we had made, he said, had not given us that right, and it was particularly grating to hear the moderns scorn their grandparents’ idea of how to keep Christmas and New Year.
Picture: By Arthur Hughes (1832-1915), via Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.. Source.
Posted December 23 2024
Sir Roger explains why he makes Christmas such a special time for all his neighbours.
Sir Roger de Coverley, a Worcestershire baronet, was created by Richard Steele in The Spectator for March 2nd, 1711. Sir Roger was the quintessence of the English rural squire, hearty, sometimes buffoonish, but lovable. Here, he speaks about Christmas on his estates. Steele’s friend Joseph Addison wrote this piece, which began with a line from Ovid: Most rare is now our old simplicity.
Picture: © Michael Garlick, Geograph. CC BY-SA 2.0.. Source.
Posted December 21 2024
Baldur was the toast of Valhalla, but Loki was determined to take him down.
In Think and Speak (1929), NL Clay challenged his pupils to stage a mock trial of Loki for the death of Baldur, Odin’s second son. Snorro Sturluson in The Younger Eddas, dating from 1223-23, doesn’t leave much room for doubt, unless we imagine that our Court is not privy to Loki’s shape-shifting wiles. These were the events, as Har explained them to Gangler.
Picture: © Julian Paren, Geograph. CC BY-SA 2.0.. Source.
Posted December 16 2024