Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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A Cavalier Attitude

Royalist soldier Sir Jacob Ashly exemplified a Christian gentleman in the heat of battle.

As secretary to the Chancellor of Oxford University, William King moved among elevated but sometimes tactless company. He remembered one dinner-time conversation in 1715 during which Sir William Wyndham, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, joked about prayer right in front of Lord Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester.


Picture: © Ad Meskens, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.. Source.


The Good Reign of Bad King John

Lord Macaulay believed that the disastrous reign of King John brought the country together.

Lord Macaulay argued that ‘bad’ King John’s reign did England a lot of good. It pulled the country away from Continental Europe, forcing the supercilious Normans in government to feel less European and more English, and to connect with their everyday countrymen after generations of neglect.


Picture: From the British Museum, via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain.. Source.


The Spider and the King

Sir Walter Scott tells of the tale of how a little spider inspired Robert the Bruce to win his country’s sovereignty.

Robert I of Scotland forced England to recognise Scottish independence in 1328. But back in 1307, King Edward I had responded to news of Robert’s coronation by seizing his estates, kidnapping his Queen and murdering his brother. Robert fled to the remote isles, and according to a popular folktale his fate hung almost literally by a spider’s thread.


Picture: © Victuallers, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0.. Source.


Rome, Ruin and Revenue

Rome’s greedy tax policy in Britain and Gaul left farmers with little to show for their labours but the stripes on their backs.

Admission to the Roman Empire brought an unfamiliar prosperity and ease to the former kingdoms of Britain, but American historian David Montgomery emphasised that much of it was a sham. Behind the facade lay a culture of corruption and exploitation fed by government greed, which was not limited to the miserable slaves labouring in mines or brickworks.


Picture: © Ahala, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic.. Source.


‘They Make a Desert and Call it Peace’

After the kingdoms of Great Britain were absorbed into the Roman Empire, the promises of prosperity and civilisation came only to a favoured few.

When the kingdoms of Britain joined the Roman Empire – some willingly, some not – their peoples found that it brought great benefits. Unfortunately, most never got to experience them. City-dwellers fared well and lived comfortably, if they were good Romans, but everyone else existed for their convenience.


Picture: © Carole Raddato, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic.. Source.


A Near Thing

During the Battle of Inkerman in 1854, one of Lord Raglan’s hospital sergeants had a close encounter with a Russian cannonball.

Lord Calthorpe was aide-de-camp to Lord Raglan during the Crimean War of 1853-6 against Russia. The war was a bloody and costly mistake, but the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava on October 24th, 1854, was not the only moment of heroism. A few days after the Battle of Inkerman on November 5th, Calthorpe had this story to share.


Picture: By Jean-Charles Langlois (fl. 1860s) and Léon-Eugène Méhédin (1828-1905), via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain.. Source.