Heracles refuses to come to the aid of man who is perfectly able to help himself.
This little tale has popularised the expression ‘put one’s shoulder to the wheel.’ A waggoner gets into difficulties, and begs heavenly help. All right and proper so far, said Sir Roger l’Estrange, but it wouldn’t do any harm to give it a push too...
Picture: By John Constable (1776–1837), via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain.. Source.
Posted August 2 2020
John Adams, the second President of the USA, told army officers in Massachusetts that the Constitution he had helped to draw up could not guarantee them liberty.
On October 11th, 1798, President John Adams told officers of a Massachusetts militia brigade that the United States’ historic Constitution (which he had helped to write) was never about centralised Power. Unlike politicians over in Europe, he said, he would not promise to conjure up order out of a selfish, thoughtless and pleasure-seeking society.
Picture: By John Trumbull (1756–1843), Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain.. Source.
Posted August 1 2020
As William Lecky watched the rapid spread of socialism across the European Continent, he was struck by a powerful sense of déjà vu.
For William Lecky, a contemporary of Karl Marx, ‘Socialism’ meant a politics in which the things that were properly the responsibility of individuals and families were snatched away and dictated by the supposedly wiser Government. Such a politics, he said, was no different to the tyrannies of the past; it merely replaced the arrogance of king or sultan with the arrogance of the politburo.
Picture: By Robert Nanteuil (1623–1678), from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Gallica Digital Library and Wikimedia Commons. Licence: Public domain.. Source.
Posted July 31 2020
Events in Italy and Austria seemed to be bringing the day ever closer when a European democracy would vote herself into oblivion.
The United Kingdom is not a simple democracy; she is a democratic and parliamentary constitutional monarchy. Just as well, thought Irish historian and Unionist MP William Lecky. The kind of democracy they had on the Continent pandered to grievance groups, extremists and slick campaign strategists, and he feared it would soon become a screen for dictatorship.
Picture: By Franz Wenzel Schwarz (1842–1919), from the Civic Museum of Castel Nuovo, Naples, via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.. Source.
Posted July 31 2020
At the height of the Inquisition, King Philip II of Spain sent a glorious fleet against England to bring the nation back to his Church.
When Mary I of England died in 1558, her devoutly Catholic widower Philip II of Spain felt he should have inherited her crown. Instead it went to Mary’s Protestant half-sister Elizabeth, who gave asylum to Dutch Protestants suffering under Philip’s Spanish Inquisition, harassed his Atlantic trade, and in 1587 executed her most plausible Catholic rival, Mary Queen of Scots. A year later, Philip took drastic action.
Picture: From Wikimedia Commons.. Source.
Posted July 29 2020
John Balliol had to decide whether his first loyalty was to the throne of Scotland or to the man who put him there.
In 1292, John Balliol became King of Scots thanks to the baffling decision of the Scottish noblemen to let King Edward I of England decide between John and his rival for the crown, Robert de Brus, Lord of Annandale. Edward immediately let it be known that he regarded John as his vassal, and Scotland as an English fiefdom; but John Barbour felt that no Scottish King should serve two masters.
Picture: By PaulT (GuntherTschuch), Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0.. Source.
Posted July 25 2020