
Myths and Legends

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Greek Myths

Scylla and Charybdis

After safely negotiating the alluring Sirens, Odysseus and his crew must now decide which of Scylla and Charybdis would do the least damage.

Greek Myths

Odysseus and the Sirens

Armed with a length of stout cord and a large ball of wax, Odysseus and his crew prepare to face the music of the Sirens.

Aesop of Samos

The Wind and the Sun

The Wind and the Sun compete to see which of them can make an unsuspecting traveller shed his cloak.

British Myths and Legends

Grendel’s Mother

After driving the man-eating ogre Grendel from Hrothgar’s hall, Beowulf must now deal with Grendel’s anguished and vengeful mother.

British Myths and Legends

Death Grip

The terrible monster Grendel, secure in the knowledge that no blade can bite him, bursts into Hrothgar’s hall expecting another meal of man-flesh.

British Myths and Legends

A Prince Among Thieves

In the days of Henry VIII, eminent Scottish historian John Major looked back to the reign of Richard the Lionheart and sketched the character of legendary outlaw Robin Hood.