

in The Copy Book

There are four posts in The Copy Book credited to Homer. (In the case of some authors, the list may include translations and paraphrases.)

There are additional posts related to Homer listed in the Subjects section. See them at Homer (2).


Odysseus Comes Home

Now that King Odysseus has failed to return from the Siege of Troy, the earls of Ithaca are eager to marry his lovely widow.


Out of Reach

Odysseus recalls meeting Tantalus and Sisyphus, for whom relief was everlastingly beyond their grasp.


Scylla and Charybdis

After safely negotiating the alluring Sirens, Odysseus and his crew must now decide which of Scylla and Charybdis would do the least damage.


Odysseus and the Sirens

Armed with a length of stout cord and a large ball of wax, Odysseus and his crew prepare to face the music of the Sirens.