
William Shakespeare

in The Copy Book

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The Quality of Mercy

Shylock is savouring revenge on Antonio for years of disgusting mistreatment, but the judge warns him to temper his demands.


‘To Thine Own Self Be True’

Standing on the dockside with Laertes, who is eager to board ship for Paris, Polonius takes a moment to share some fatherly wisdom.


An Ever-Fixed Mark

William Shakespeare in sombre mood clings to love as the only changeless thing in a world of decay.


I’ll Tell You Who Time Gallops Withal

Rosalind explains to Orlando that Time moves at different paces depending on who you are.


Eternal Lines

William Shakespeare immortalised his lover in verse, as if holding back for ever the ravages of Time.


On Love’s Lips

William Shakespeare recalls how the love of his life once teased him to the brink of despair.