Thomas Clarkson addresses the Anti-Slavery convention (1840).

By Benjamin Haydon (1786-1846). Public domain. Source

William Hazlitt 1778-1830

The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.

‘Political Essays’

Welcome to

Clay Lane

Straightforward English

English Literacy Inspired by the Vision of NL Clay

Clay Lane is inspired by textbooks used in English schools and homes from the 1920s to the 1960s. The Copy Book is an anthology of short passages from all ages of literature in English, including novels, plays, poetry, biography and political debate. Think and Speak is a collection of brain-teasers of the kind given to pupils in secondary schools of the time.

“The course should train pupils to observe, learn more of the world they live in, think clearly, use the imagination and to speak clearly.”

NL Clay, Think and Speak (1929)


Clay Lane Blog

Stay informed about new posts, revisit posts from the Archive, try your hand at some brainteasers from the 1930s classroom, and listen to classical music.

About Clay Lane About NL Clay

The Copy Book

Hundreds of short passages of history, fiction and poetry from Britain and around the world, with study notes and brainteasers on grammar and vocabulary.

Authors Subjects

Think and Speak

Exercises in expression and imagination based on those given to pupils aged 12-13 in English schools in the 1930s.

Exercises Word Games

Comfortable Words

The King James Bible of 1611, a model of straightforward English made for reading aloud, with a selection of prayers and hymns.

Hymns KJV Bible Prayers

Word Games

A selection of games with words and their letters, including Crosswords, Polywords and the Honeycomb Game.

Add Vowels Honeycomb Polywords

The Tale of Years

Find Copy Book posts in chronological order, from the story of Abraham to Julius Caesar, and from Caratacus to the outbreak of the Second World War.

Featured Post

From Brigands and Imbeciles

“There is a superstition — I should have supposed it was necessary to have gone to Bedlam to discover any man who could have entertained it (loud laughter) — there is a superstition that with 35,000,000 of persons in Great Britain and Ireland, of whom 8,000,000 are grown men, they could not defend a hole in the earth (loud laughter) not much more than about twenty feet wide.”


Featured Exercise

Homophones Find in Think and Speak

In each group below, you will find words that sound the same, but differ in spelling and also in meaning. Compose your own sentences to bring out the differences between them.

1. Build. Billed. 2. Whined. Wind. Wined. 3. Rec. Wreck. 4. Cellar. Seller. 5. There. Their. They’re. 6. Hour. Our. 7. Feat. Feet. 8. Warn. Worn. 9. Cue. Queue.

Featured Subjects

Liberty and Prosperity

Posts 169

Stories from Britain and elsewhere confirming the social and economic benefits of keeping politicians and their cronies out of the trade and business of ordinary people.

International Relations

Posts 41

Britain has always demanded respect, open seas, and to be left in peace to ‘work out our own salvation’ — a courtesy we should extend to others.

Abolition of Slavery

Posts 36

Heart-breaking tales of slavery, in which Britain played a shameful part; and heart-warming tales of Abolition, in which she played a courageous one.

Character and Conduct

Posts 109

Stories illustrating noble deeds in matters both great and small, such as the noble gesture of Sir Philip Sidney, and the determination of Benjamin Disraeli.


Posts 25

Stories about our friends across the Channel, from Roman times to the Hundred Years’ War, her bloody Revolution, and the giddying rise and fall of Emperor Napoleon.

Classical History

Posts 59

Tales of tragedy, ambition and heroism from the Battle of Marathon and Hannibal’s passage of the Alps to Caesar’s fateful crossing of the Rubicon.

See All